Trader Joe's Beef and Broccoli Ingredients

As a quondam cheesemonger, I know 1 thing to exist true: Cheese is a primal ingredient in all of the all-time meals, from pizza to grilled cheese and of course, mac and cheese. Merely information technology's recently gotten a bad rap for its fat and sodium content. Womp, womp.

Withal, eating moderate amounts of cheese every at present and than can be pretty skillful for you, says Karen Ansel, R.D. "Not only is cheese packed with calcium and protein, difficult, aged cheeses similar parmesan and Gruyere contain compounds that have been linked to less colon cancer, inflammation, and weight gain," she says. Withal, it'south all-time to avert going overboard. "The cardinal is to savor it similar the French in small portions instead of piling it on," she says.

We couldn't agree more. Only where to discover the best cheeses for every possible occasion (and cost betoken)? I combed the shelves of Trader Joe'southward to find some affordable, high-quality cheeses that I would gladly serve (and consume!) myself. Look no further than these 16 great options fit for a variety of occassions. Cheap, fast, like shooting fish in a barrel, washed!

Best Salad Cheeses

Salad cheeses from Trader Joe's

Sara Faye Green

Skip the powdery shaker of parm, and go for the skilful stuff. (Hit the reset push button—and burn fat like crazy with The Body Clock Diet!)

ane. Authentic Greek Feta in Brine, $vi.49
Slice into thick slabs and throw it on top of chopped cucumber, tomatoes, greenish peppers, and blackness olives tossed in olive oil and lemon. Add table salt, pepper, and oregano to taste for a winning Greek salad. FYI: Naturally low-fat feta dries out quickly, so ownership it in the brine is the mode to go. (Avoid the pre-crumbled version.)

two. Crumbled Gorgonzola,$3.49
Cut a head of iceberg lettuce into four sections, and top with Russian dressing, sliced ruddy tomatoes, chopped scallions, bacon or veggie bacon, and these gorgonzola crumbles. Wedge salad challenge officially unlocked! Pro tip: Skip anything that is just labeled "blueish cheese" and zip more. The specific varieties, such as gorgonzola, are always improve.

3. Goat's Milk Cheese Medallions Marinated in Herbs, $4
Make a bed of baby spinach, top with some roasted beets and these babies. Utilize the already herbed marinade the cheese comes in as dressing. Dinner is served.

iv. Freshly Shaved Parmesan, Romano, & Asiago Cheese, $3
Excellent with kale or arugula, avocado, tomatoes, shallots, and vinaigrette.

Related: The 7 WORST Foods To Eat At Night

Best Cheeses For Happy Hour

Best cheese for happy hour from Trader Joe's

Sara Faye Dark-green

You lot've got friends coming over for drinks and apps, and want to spend less than $10 on food. Mission achieved.

5. Traditional Whole Milk Ricotta, $iii
Put this in a pretty bowl, drizzle with olive oil and balsamic, top with fresh or dried rosemary, and serve with a sliced baguette on the side. Instant rustic chic (and cheap)!

half dozen. All Natural Ciliegine Whole Milk Fresh Mozzarella, $v
These little balls cozy upwards nicely with cherry tomatoes, basil, and olives. You tin use sun-stale tomato spread (from Trader Joe'due south of course) when fresh tomatoes aren't in season. Serve aslope some crusty bread and you've got an instant Italian antipasti platter.

Related: v Foods with More Protein Than an Egg

All-time Cheeses for Melting

Best cheeses for melting from Trader Joe's

Sara Faye Green

Because sometimes, no one has fourth dimension to shred a ton of cheese. Thankfully, these pre-shredded options are succulent and affordable for all your melty cheese needs.

vii. Quattro Formaggio, $v
This pre-shredded blend of Parmesan, Asiago, Fontina, and Provolone cheeses is perfect for impromptu pizza-making parties.

eight. Shredded Cheese Blend: Swiss and Gruyere, $5
Your grilled-cheese hero! Also turns pretty much any hot soup into something resembling your favorite thing about French onion with a gooey Swiss and Gruyere topper.

Looking for like shooting fish in a barrel healthy dinner options? Bank check out these 15 delicious pita pizza recipes:

Best Options for the Perfect Cheese Plate

Party cheese plate from Trader Joe's

Sara Faye Green

You want a cheese plate to have a multifariousness of milks, come up from a plethora of places, and to correspond a range of textures and tastes and so every bite takes your guests to a different delicious locale. We made it piece of cake for you lot beneath.

9. Blue Stilton, $4.30 for 1/3 lb.
This is a flossy, blue, British cow's milk cheese. Add together a picayune loving cup of love mixed with walnuts to the plate and watch your guests smize when they taste them together.

10. Goat'due south Milk Gouda Cheese, $3.33 for 1/iii lb.
This cheese is more than unusual and brilliant than regular gouda. Information technology will also taste lovely with the dearest and walnut mixture in a higher place.

11. Comté, $iii.66 for ane/three lb.
Chow down on this classic French raw moo-cow'southward milk cheese, which is deliciously mellow and mild. It pairs well with dark ruddy jam, some other stone-star cheese plate accompaniment you can get right at TJ's.

12. Mini Basque, $4.33 for i/3 lb.
This petite sheep's milk cheese will really shine with the dark blood-red jam besides.

13. Le Delicé de Bourgogne, $iv for 1/3 lb.
Triple creamy and so much better than boring ol' brie. Add some dried apricots to the plate for a popular of colour and a succulent pairing.

14. Unexpected Cheddar, $four
This rich, aged cheddar is the number-one dearest cheese at Trader Joe's, and nosotros tin can see why. Add a little pot of grainy mustard to your cheese plate to spice upward this champion.

Experience gratuitous to mix and match the accompaniments, and to accommodate them on the plate for maximum presentation. Political party time!

Related: What'south Worse For Your Bod: Carbohydrate Or Table salt?

Best Alternative "Cheeses"

Best fake cheeses from Trader Joe's

Sara Faye Green

15. Vegan Mozzarella Shreds, $3.49
This vegan cheese melts similar a dream, a rarity amongst cheese alternatives.

16. Almond Mozzarella Style Shreds, $3.49
No fake chemical gustation in these natural goodies. Nonetheless, this cheese contains milk products and thus is not meant for vegans. It is 99 percentage lactose-free, making it a potential alternative for people who are lactose intolerant.

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