Kerala Style Beef Soup Instant Pot

kerala beef fry served alongside indian paratha and red onion garnish

Kerala beef fry slow-roasted in coconut and spices before fried in curry leaves and onions. Detect out how to make this easy Kerala-style ularthiyathu today.

kerala beef fry coconut oil spices curry leaves recipe

Kerala beef fry is an easy pressure cooker recipe that takes the naturally rich flavors of beef and intensifies them with classic Indian spices, coconut slices, and curry leaves. The end result is a hot and tender meat dish that's perfect served alongside white rice, Indian parotta, or naan bread.

Also known as ullarthiyathu, the dish is native to the Kerala region of Republic of india, and is traditionally prepared with cubes of beef slow-cooked in a alloy of spices and kokosnoot. Information technology's then sautéed to caramelize information technology and remove its moisture to requite an intensely rich plate of beefiness. It's perfect for sharing as part of a platter or for making in batches for the week.

close-up of spiced beef fried in pan with curry leaves and coconut slices

Quick Tips

If you're preparing Kerala-style beef for the first time, at that place are a few helpful tips to improve the quality of this fragrant and savory dish.

  • Attempt to get boneless chuck roast or top loin for your beef. These cuts are easy to cut into cubes and will absorb the spices and seasonings well.
  • Choose fresh, locally grown herbs, spices, and vegetables for ameliorate taste
  • Slice the beef into small, ane-inch cubes, or smaller, as this will help absorb the spices and other ingredients during marination.
  • Extra virgin coconut oil is ideal, though if unavailable, whatsoever type of coconut oil will piece of work. Coconuts are everywhere in Kerala, then coconut oil is used in most Kerala-fashion recipes. If you demand a coconut oil substitute, sunflower oil is skillful for frying without ruining aroma or flavor.
  • If you don't have fennel seed simply want something like, crushed anise seed or caraway seeds are both excellent alternatives to fennel seed.

If you want to store beef fry for after, it will last up to one calendar week in the refrigerator and three months in the freezer. When you want to reheat leftovers, you can quickly warm them in a skillet for a few minutes on the stovetop or ii to three minutes in the microwave.

kerala beef fry served alongside indian paratha and red onion garnish

Side Dish Ideas

If you're serving Karala beefiness fry as a primary dish, there are some splendid sides to consider. Basmati rice or pilaf is a popular choice. Naan, or flatbread, is another first-class option. Freshly baked buns or staff of life makes a great option if you don't have naan or rice on hand. These options blot the decadent flavors of beef fry, which makes them a swell choice.

In addition to rice, naan, and breadstuff, you may desire to add some grilled vegetables, or a side dish or black lentil back-scratch, cooked spinach, or a fresh salad. A small basin of yogurt with mint or cucumbers is a smashing manner to cool your palate in dissimilarity to the rich spices and flavors.

kerala beef fry coconut oil spices curry leaves recipe

Kerala Beef Fry

Kerala beef fry dull-roasted in kokosnoot and spices before fried in back-scratch leaves and onions. Find out how to brand this piece of cake Kerala-style ularthiyathu today.

Prep Time ten mins

Cook Time 40 mins

Total Time 50 mins

Course Dinner, Main Grade

Cuisine Indian

  • pressure cooker

  • 1 lb beef cut into 1-inch cubes

To Pressure Cook

  • 2 cloves garlic crushed
  • i tbsp fresh ginger grated
  • 2 shallots chopped
  • ½ cup coconut chunks
  • 1 ½ tsp garam masala
  • ½ tsp turmeric powder
  • one tsp fennel seed
  • 3 tsp reddish chili pulverisation
  • 2 tsp coriander powder
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • ½ tsp kosher salt

To Fry

  • two tbsp coconut oil
  • 3 back-scratch leaves chopped
  • two white onions chopped
  • In a bowl, combine the beef cubes, garlic, ginger, shallots, coconut, and spices.

  • Add to force per unit area cooker, with cinnamon stick and kosher common salt. Add ane-two cups water, to merely embrace the beef. Cook for 20 minutes.

  • Estrus coconut oil in a pan over medium heat. Add together curry leaves and onions. Sauté until onions turn brown and translucent.

  • Add beef to pan, along with whatsoever residue water. Cook until beef has turned dark brown and started to dry out, about 15 minutes.

  • Serve with white rice or naan


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