Do You Go Again When You Roll Doubles in Backgammon

Do you know someone who is always breaking backgammon rules? Mayhap they're new to backgammon and don't even know the rules. Maybe y'all're breaking them yourself and don't fifty-fifty know information technology! Backgammon rules themselves can be pretty specific, and we like to follow them as all-time as possible when playing with other opponents!

Even just knowing basic backgammon rules beginners can better their game! In society to win, you have to move all of your backgammon pieces into your ain home lath and then bear them off before your opponent. What happens in between the starting and end game though, are null short of glorious. Backgammon battles, especially dorsum game recovery victories, can exist a great feeling of accomplishment.

One of our favorite books on backgammon: Conquering Backgammon – second Edition

Let'south have a look at the well-nigh mutual backgammon rules that everyone should larn

Now, as we speak of the rules of backgammon, nosotros don't all follow the rules. Some players tend not follow the rules for some reasons. There are some sort of illegal moves, obviously the rules of backgammon are articulate y'all can't do this.

ane. Crawford Rule

You'll meet the Crawford dominion when you lot play in tournaments. Most people ignore the Crawford Rule. Information technology is a standard rule for Backgammon lucifer play. It states that one time a thespian is within ane point of winning a match, the next game is played without the doubling cube.  Subsequently this "Crawford Game", use of the doubling cube resumes for the duration of the lucifer. In full general, if your opponent is leading and is i point away from winning the friction match, you have absolutely nada to lose, merely certainly something to gain, past offering a double, regardless of the actual position of the board.

2. Beavers

Not the furry friends that plug up rivers, a beaver in backgammon refers to cube action washed in the game when your opponent offers a double, you accept the double and immediately re-double the value of the game while keeping the doubling cube. The re-double after the accepting the double and then keeping the cube is called a beaver. It's a slap-up rule to utilize if you lot opponent doubles you when they are behind, or if y'all tin can predict the time to come.

three. Automatic Doubles

Some people allow automated doubles and some won't, so you should also come up to terms with this with your opponent and the rules where y'all are playing. Here'due south how they piece of work in backgammon. The value of the game doubles automatically during the opening roll. You can go an automatic double if both players get the aforementioned dice outcome in the opening gyre. If you happen to get tied twice, and so yous double the value of the game twice. So you can win more i signal even before you offer a double during the game.

The same number has been rolled at the beginning of the game triggering an automatic double of the cube.

We've seen with automated doubles in backgammon 3 doubles in a row or more, meaning the game is worth a lot more money right out of the gate, with the cube withal neutral. Very scary and nerve wrecking if you ask me!

4. Double Rolls

When information technology comes to backgammon rules doubles are easy to mess up. You lot take a total of iv moves to make. In other words, if yous coil double 5-5, yous get four moves of v spaces using whatever combination of checkers. A lot of people may mistakenly only make two moves considering they think it'south like a normal scroll (where you get two moves), or only make three moves because of a more desirable outcome, but with backgammon if you can movement a number, you must do so.

Once y'all have completed your turn it is the opponents turn to roll and the game continues like normal.

If y'all want to learn more about playing double rolls we suggest reading: Backgammon Rules Doubles and How to Play Them

five. Jacoby Dominion

This rule is more than common amongst games in money play. This dominion promotes by Oswald Jacoby and was named after him. The thought behind this dominion is to avert a long backgammon game by waiting for ane player to get a gammon rather than doubling for a single signal. The Jacoby rule states that gammons and backgammons will not requite the extra points if a double has non been accepted by your opponent.

Black doubles white to terminate the game early considering gammons and backgammons exercise non count as extra points with Jacoby Rule

6. It'southward not your turn!

1 of the about common rules that nosotros seen cleaved is when a player rolls their die before their opponent has picked upwards their die (which is what symbolizes their turn is completed). Some players may not even know, or consider information technology bad etiquette if information technology happens, while others may completely void your roll if their dice are nonetheless on the lath. A player'due south turn is only complete once they pick upwardly their dice.

Black rolls prematurely before white has picked upwardly their dice, and white can force blackness to zip the roll and roll once again.

7. Play your entire whorl, if possible

Sometimes nosotros see players that will try finishing their move without completing their roll. Mayhap they only move one of the two numbers because they don't want to leave one open, simply in backgammon if you can employ the numbers from your curl then y'all must. You cannot choose to only apply one of the numbers because the 2nd number may go out your checker open up, that'south why its important you are ever planning and strategizing.

8. Wrong checker motility

Sometimes we see people that make the fault of wrong checker movement (possibly they move 5 or 7, instead of 6) – but we like to think these are just innocent mistakes and try to correct them any time nosotros seen them happen. Backgammon info is readily available for anyone who wants to get better at the game.

Black rolls double 6-6 and mistakenly moves 2 of his checkers 7 spaces instead of half-dozen

Pro tip: Yous tin can hands master counting checker movement once you lot learn that each quadrant is made up of vi points, and 6 is the highest number y'all can roll. So if y'all gyre double half-dozen-6 for instance, it's often corner to corner motility. You can likewise remember odd numbers will issue in a different colored bespeak, and even numbers volition result in the same colored betoken.

Note that not all rules apply to all games, some rules just apply to tournament matches or match play, while single money games may have far less rules applied. It really all depends on where yous are playing, what kind of game you lot are playing, and who you are playing (sometimes both opponents tin agree to veto a rule if they wish).

Easy backgammon rules

Now that we've gone over some common backgammon rules that are broken, let's freshen upwards on some of the basics!

If y'all want to improve your game, we suggest you read: The Ultimate Backgammon Strategy Guide

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Backgammon pieces

Known variously equally checkers, draughts, stones, men, counters, pawns, discs, pips, fries, or nips. These are the pieces that yous need to move and conduct them off before ane's opponent tin do the same. Knowing how many checkers in a backgammon set will allow you know if the set is consummate and tin can exist played – there should be 15 checkers of each colour, for a total of 30 checkers.

Game board

Backgammon board setup is comprised of two singled-out colors, typically white and red, or white and black. To gear up the board, each player must place two checkers on his 24 point, three checkers on his 8 betoken, five checkers on his xiii point, and five more checkers on his 6 point. Backgammon direction of play is usually counter-clockwise, but sometimes both parties can hold to play whichever management they wish.

Starting the game

The arrangement of checkers at the first of a game is called the backgammon starting position, and i of the nearly fundamental backgammon nuts. Each player has 2 checkers on the opponent's one-indicate, 5 checkers on the mid-point, 3 checkers on the eight-signal, and v checkers on the six-point.

Both players roll i die to start the game, and the highest numbers uses both numbers every bit their kickoff whorl.

Each player casts 1 die. The player with the higher number makes the first move, using the ii numbers cast by his die and his opponent'southward. In the issue that both players roll the same number, it is a standoff and each rolls another die to make up one's mind the first movement. In the event of subsequent ties, this process is repeated until the dice plow up unlike numbers.

In some games, players double the unit stake automatically every time they cast the aforementioned number; others limit the automated doubles to one. In tournament play, there is no such thing every bit an automatic double.

Moving you lot backgammon pieces

Each player'south turn consists of the whorl of ii dice. A player then moves one or more than pieces in accord with the numbers cast. Presume he rolls 4-two. The player may move one piece six spaces, or one piece iv spaces and some other piece two spaces. Comport in mind that, when moving a single piece for the total shown by the two dice, you are actually making ii moves with the one slice —each move according to the number shown on one of the dice.

Rolling doubles in backgammon

If the same number appears on both dice, for example, two-ii or three-3, then the caster has rolled doubles and is to four moves instead of two. Thus, rolling doubles in backgammon similar three-3, the histrion tin can motion up to iv pieces, but each move must consist of three spaces, and must be used if possible.

The players throw and play alternately throughout the game, except in the case where a player cannot make a legal move and therefore forfeits their plow. Even if ane player rolls three doubles in backgammon, it is still the opponents turn later on every curl.

I of our favorite backgammon books: The Backgammon Book

Pro tip: Information technology's not good practice to rely on rolling doubles to win.
Relying heavily on luck volition only go you and then far, therefore it'southward not a long term strategy. If you are serious about winning it'southward important to learn dissimilar strategies, and play the odds.

Backgammon blocking

A player makes a betoken by positioning 2 or more of his pieces on it. He then owns that point, or blocks hello and his opponent tin can neither come up to rest on that point nor touch downward on it when taking the combined full of his dice with ane piece.


A thespian who has made six sequent points has completed a prime number. An opposing slice trapped backside a prime cannot motility past, for it cannot be moved more than 6 spaces at a time – the largest number on a die.

Carry off – Winning the game

When all of a player's checkers are inside his home board (the start 6 points), he can then outset begetting off, which is essential for how do you win backgammon, or how do you lose. To bear off, you lot have to reach an imaginary point located just outside of the lath. To comport off one piece, y'all demand the exact dice to just remove it. This means that to conduct off a slice on the iii points, y'all need to scroll a 3.

The farthest checker tin can always deport-off, fifty-fifty if the dice is greater than the checker position. In the position below, if white rolls a vi, it can bear off the checker from the 5 points.

Bar point backgammon

The backgammon home board consists of points 1 through 6, and the outer board points 7 through 12. The 7 point is what's referred to as the "bar betoken" in backgammon, and is ane of our favorite points to cake early rolling a half-dozen-1 or 6-half dozen.

Backgammon scoring

Backgammon points scoring might seem confusing, but in fact information technology'south quite direct forward when you know the formula. When a player wins a game, the full points of that game is added to the score. How to score backgammon is elementary you just add together up the cube, and the win status ie. backgammon, gammon, or regular win. So if you lose a game to a backgammon, and the cube was on 4, yous would lose 3x + 4x points, or in other words the opponent would win 12 points.

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