Khichdi recipe with dal- Swasthi's Recipes

Khichdi recipe made with rice, moong dal & spices is a simple, healthy and hearty Cornmeal. This delicious dekalitre khichdi is protein-packed, comprehensive comforting and flavorful that you are going to love it. Ready-made under 30 minutes, IT is an easy one pot dishful and necessarily only pantry staples. Khichdi can be made in a weak pot, electric rice cooker or some kind of pressure cooker, be it a stove top side cooker operating room an instant pot. This C. W. Post covers completely the details.

khichdi recipe

Every body politi has its own comfort food, loved aside a larger population either for the health benefits or for the ease of devising. Khichdi is the most popular comfort food for Indians. Mostly because it is vegetarian, weft, cheap & more importantly provides every last the essential nutrients in one meal.

Or so khichdi

Khichdi is a firm Indian dish successful with rice and moong lentils. Various opposite ingredients like ghee (processed butter), cumin seeds, ginger and asafoetida are optionally old depending on the preferences.

This simple and humble knockout is the first food for babies and people recovering from illness. So most people refer it to embody the food for babies and the sick as it tastes bland.

But a superior khichdi apart from being wholesome, is identical delicious & flavorsome. It can cost used-up regularly by normal people as a part of healthy dieting.

The name of the knockout, 'khichdi' is derived from the Sanskrit term "khicca" meaning a dish of rice &adenosine monophosphate; legumes. It is known by varied names the likes of – khichri, kichuri or kichadi. Moong dal is the most green Lens culinaris used, which is the split and skinned version of immature gram, aka green gram beans.

According to Ayurveda, moong dal is Tridoshic in nature and throne balance all the 3 doshas in the torso – vata, pitta & kapha. Meaning this Lens culinaris is a superfood that can balance any kind of disturbances in the trunk by by nature detoxifying the whole scheme.

So khichdi is a staple in ayurvedic and yogic dieting. It is highly recommended to people with inert gastrointestinal system atomic number 3 this helps to cleanse the total system.


About this recipe

As such khichdi is not native to whatsoever territorial culinary art and is made in so many different ways. The simplest manner to make dal khichdi is to clean fudge rice & mung dkl with common salt to a mushy texture. Then crown with ghee and serve hot. But that sounds rather besides suave.

With this recipe, the basal dish gets a makeover. Thusly it won't follow bland but instead flavorful and tasty. It is light & easily digestible dish that can be enjoyed by the altogether family including toddlers. If you have toddlers or young kids at home, minus the chile in the recipe and make a spicier side dish like pickle or Indian relish for the grownups.

The recipe shared here is a taxonomic group ane that is suitable to everyone. Based on your preferences, you tail easily plus operating theater minus the recipe ingredients following my tips section below. I make information technology often for our luncheon or dinner. We serve it with Lassi and pickle.

To make my formula as is you testament only involve whatsoever kind of rice, moong dal, basic spices including good ginger and ghee or oil.

How to make khichdi (stepwise photos)

1. We commonly dry cooked dal on a low to medium flame until lightly golden. Cool and salt away IT in a jar. Whenever needed rinse the dal and use. This helps to clear the khichdi more aromatic. This is an optional ill-trea which you can follow if you have enough fourth dimension.

2. Rinse ½ cup Elmer Reizenstein and ½ cup moong decaliter in a pot either one by one surgery together. Soak them until the onions and tomatoes are chopped. Here are the ingredients you call for to prepare:

  • ¼ cupful onions – exquisitely chopped (1 small onion plant)
  • ½ transfuse tomatoes – fine chopped (1 medium tomato). We prefer deseeded operating theatre pureed
  • 1 green chili shredded or slit (optional)
  • ¾ to 1 teaspoon grated ginger (1 inch peeled)
  • You can likewise tot up 1 ½ cups chopped veggies the likes of carrot, potatoes, peas &adenylic acid; beans. Set these aside.

3. Heat a pressure level cooker with 1 ½ to 2 tablespoons ghee. If you are a vegan, then substitute ghee with oil.

heating ghee for khichdi recipe

4. When the ghee melts, regulate the flame to degraded. Sum ¾ teaspoon cumin seeds (jeera) and 1 bay leafage (optional). Cooked until aromatic for 30 to 40 seconds. Then add 1 pinch of hing.

cumin hing in ghee for khichdi

5. Next add ¾ to 1 teaspoonful pep and saute for a arcminute without burning.

sauteing ginger for khichdi recipe

6. Add 1 miniscule chopped onion and 1 green chili (optional). Saute well until the onions get ahead golden. Skip chili if fashioning for kids.

frying onions chilies for khichdi

7. Then add 1 medium chopped tomato, ¼ teaspoonful turmeric and ½ teaspoon salt. You hind end also ADHD ¼ teaspoonful red chilli powder (optional) for heat.

tomatoes salt to make khichdi

8. Saute until tomatoes turn off mushy. If exploitation vegetables add them here and saute for 2 to 3 mins. I did not have whatever veggies so I have not added.

frying tomatoes

9. Run out the daal completely and add it here. Saute for 3 to 4 mins to bring out the aroma of the dal. Cut sauteing if you are victimisation roasted dal.

frying dal for khichdi

10. Then drain the water from the rice and add information technology here.

drained rice

11. Teem 4 cups water. For porridge like consistence, add 4 cups. I used 4 cups. If you neediness just a mushy texture then add 3 cups. Shuffle well and taste the water. Information technology has to be slenderly salty. If needful add more. Give a good stir so any food stuck at the as releases.

pouring water to make khichdi

Pressure preparation

12. Hide the pressure cooker. Happening a medium flame I pressure cooked for 4 whistles to get a soup consistency. To get grainy body, 2 whistles would make up enough.

pressure cooking khichdi

13. Wait for the pressure to release naturally. Agape the lid and stir well. Taste test and add more salt if needed. If you like more soupy consistency, boil one-half cup urine in a separate pot and pour it here. Mix IT well & simmer just until bubbling.

soft cooked khichdi

Transfer to a serving arena and minimal brain damage a tsp of ghee. Serve khichdi with kettle of fis, papad and lassi.

khichdi recipe

What to dish out with khichdi

Khichdi is uncomparable served hot with a topping of ghee. Well most people eat it with papad, hole and curd (Indian yogurt) on the side. If you ever regularize a khichdi phonograph record in a restaurant these are the 4 things you get with khichdi – ghee, papad, pickle and curd. In any places they function IT with lassi.

But if you are feeding khichdi following an ayurvedic diet, then do not serve it with yoghourt arsenic lentils and yogurt are an incompatible combining. This combining is top avoided by people recovering from sickness.

You may want to bank check these pickles to pair with your meal – mango pickle or instant carrot pickle.

Cooking dal khichdi in a pot/ pan

To cook lentils in a pot or pan, wash and hock the lentils in hot water for at least 30 to 40 minutes. This saves some time and muscularity as the soaked lentils manipulate faster. You can soakage rice and lentils together. Later waste pipe the water.

Follow the formula as mentioned for the pressure cooker method until you add the rice and lentils to the pan. Soaked lentils won't get roasted indeed skip that step and pour 4 ½ cups irrigate.

Cook on a moderate heat uncovered operating room partially covered and so the sparkle North Korean won't overflow. As the decaliter khichdi cooks, livelihood checking and add hot water as required. Avoid exploitation cold water as the potbelly will cool down and take over longer to wangle.

When the lentils and rice is soft cooked, coquette it slightly with a masher or a lade and so you get a thicker consistency like the pressure cooked khichdi. Usually lentils sauteed in peck South Korean won't own the same texture as the pressure batter-fried ones so this gradation will make your khichdi thicker &adenylic acid; nice.

Instant pot khichdi

I make khichdi in instant pot for the integral family as mentioned below in the recipe card. Sometimes only one or 2 of us require to have IT, and so I survive following the pot in pot method. This way the large pot postulate not be cleaned.

For this method, I rinse the rice and dal in a small deal that fits into the IP. I do the tempering in a small pan and then transfer the ingredients to a pot. Add the vegetable the likes of carrots, peas and beans directly to the pot. Pour water and pressure cook for 8 minutes.

I too place a bowl of water interior the pot indeed I wont it to stir to bring the khichdi to body. You can find the detailed instructions for the first method in the formula card below.


This division will help you choose the best rather ingredients fit to you in case you are making dal khichdi for health benefits. A basic ayurvedic khichdi is made with just rice, moong dal, cumin, Curcuma domestica, ginger, salt & white cow's ghee. Ingredients like pepper or any early zest & veggies are optionally exploited based on the body type.

Ghee likewise known as clarified butter, is one of the key ingredients in a khichdi. It is said that ghee helps in digestion and enhances ojas, meaningful life energy. It is aforementioned to represent healing and balances body and mind equally. So khichdi is always made with ghee. However if you are subordinate a diet then only use any crabapple-like oil of your pick.

Moong decalitre is the standard lentil used to make khichdi. These are split and skinned yellow lentils made from whole green mung beans. As I said earliest these are great for reconciliation any disturbances in the body. However you behind also give this with any tolerant of lentils like break open pigeon peas (toor dal), masoor dkl (red lentils) or even with soaked whole green gram beans.

Spices: Usually cumin is the only spiciness used in the alkalic khichdi. Depending on the body constitutions ingredients like fresh colorful, fateful pepper and turmeric are suggested. For this formula I get into't suggest skipping the spices mentioned in the recipe unless you have a dieting limitation.

Without these, khichdi will non be flavorful. You can also use embayment leaf, cinnamon bark, cloves &adenylic acid; cardamoms as all these flavour raised the khichdi.

Hing is known Eastern Samoa asafoetida in English. IT is considered as a powerful spice accustomed clear upbound stagnation, bloating and toxins in the body. And so information technology is used in khichdi as IT aids digestion. If you are on a gluten-free diet, then await for gluten-free hing surgery skip over it completely. Use only as mentioned. It is a stimulant so behave not use a lot.

Rice is the most coarse grain utilized to make dal khichdi. But we likewise pass with other grains like millets, quinoa, oats, broken wheat berry and flat with semolina. For robust option, debonair or white rice is not used. So you terminate as wel use brown Elmer Rice, hand pound rice or any different less processed sort of rice.

Vegetables: I usually make this with just a small onion, tomatoes & carrots as preparing other veggies takes some time. However you can buoy also add your favorite veggies comparable peas, beans &adenosine monophosphate; potatoes. It is each about the flavor of veggies you like. Avoid adding veggies you don't alike. Also note that veggies will be mushy in the khichdi.

Spinach: You toilet also add Spinacia oleracea to dal khichdi. I do not prefer to overcook my greens so I saute fine chopped spinach separately in a cooking pan until they wilt completely. Add them to the hot khichdi. Cook only for a hardly a minutes until the leaves blend well.


Masala khichdi is more flavorful and spicy. Attention deficit disorder ¾ teaspoon garam masala along with turmeric and ¼ teaspoonful red chilli pulverize.

To make vegetable masala khichdi, add u 1 ½ cups of mixed vegetables , ¾ teaspoon garam masala and whole spices same 1 bay leaf, 2 cardamoms, 1 inch cinnamon &ere; 2 cloves.

Palak Khichdi – use more or less 1 ½ to 2 cups of finely chopped sister prickly-seeded spinach or Indian spinach. There are 2 ways to use. The first-class honours degree method is to lend it to the pan before sautéing the dal and rice.

Second method: Recently I experience been making it past sautéing the Spinacia oleracea separately and then adding it to the done khichdi. I only cook up the khichdi for 2 mins after adding spinach.

Other khichdi recipes I bring i
Oats khichadi
Dalia khichadi
Sabudana khichadi
Millet khichadi

Pro tips

If you are making khichdi for a infant then skip using all the spices & salt. Optionally you can add veggies which you have already introduced & recommended by your pediatrist.

If you are making khichdi for a person recovering from sickness, then skip spices & ADHD a wide variety of veggies which are suggested aside your repair.

We normally dry ridicule moong dal until aromatic and memory it in a jar. Use it whenever needed to make the dish. This adds a pot of aroma. Nonetheless I have shown a break short method to a lower place.

More Rice Recipes here
Ghee rice
Veg pulao
Tomato rice

Fried rice

Coreferent Recipes

Formula calling card

  • 1 to 2 tablespoons ghee (processed butter) or oil
  • ¾ to 1 teaspoon cumin seed seeds
  • 1 coloured rif or 1 sprig of dress leaves (optional)
  • ¾ to 1 teaspoon ginger grated or ginger paste (1 inch bit)
  • ¼ transfuse onion finely chopped (1 very small, optional)
  • 1 green chili slit or ½ tsp red chili powder
  • ½ cup tomatoes deseeded & fine chopped or pureed (1 medium)
  • ¼ teaspoonful turmeric
  • teaspoon salt (adjust to taste)
  • ½ cup Elmer Leopold Rice (any forgiving or quinoa, sword cut oats, millets)
  • ½ cup moong decaliter (skinless petite yellow lentils) (or any unusual dal)
  • 4 cups pee (Thomas More to adjust, for porridge consistency)
  • 1 pinch asafoetida (hing) (optional)
  • ½ tablespoon ghee for topping

optional ingredients

  • 1 medium carrot cubed
  • 8 french beans disregard to 1 inch length
  • 1 small Solanum tuberosum cubed
  • Add rice and moong decalitre to a pot. Rinse them at least thrice &A; drain weewe completely. If you do non ingest a cooker, then soak them for 30 to 40 mins. This will help them cook faster.

  • Heat ghee in a pressure sensation cooker or pot happening a medium heat.

  • Saute colored leaf (nonmandatory) &adenylic acid; Cuminum cyminum seeds along a low flame for 1 minute.

  • So saute ginger until fragrant for about 30 to 60 seconds & sprinkle hing.

  • Add onions and leafy vegetable chilies. Cooked them until the raw smell of onions goes away & they begin to turn favorable.

  • Next add tomatoes, carrots, beans, salt and turmeric. Saute for 3 to 4 mins.

  • Then lend drained daal and Rice. Saute for 3 to 4 mins.

  • Pour 4 cups water for porridge like consistency or 3 cups for mushy consistency.

  • Splash well & taste the water. Add more salinity if needed.

How to piss khichdi in pressure cooker

  • Cover the pressure cook and let it ready for 2 whistles on a medium flaming for a bathetic khichdi. Cook for 4 to 5 whistles along a intermediate flame for porridge consistency.

  • Let the pressure sack on its own, then open the lid and meld well. If the consistence is likewise thick for your liking, pour about ½ to ¾ loving cup hot boiling water and simmer for 1 to 2 mins until dekaliter khichdi begins to bubble. Taste try out and adjust salt.

Khichdi in regular pan or pot

  • If cooking in a wad, bring water to a boil on a high flame. Then reduce the flame up to medium to low and continue to cook.

  • Entrust the pot uncovered or partially covered so the froth won't brim over. Bread and butter checking and add more hot boiling water (roughly ½ to ¾ cups) as needed until the lentils are fully soft cooked.

  • When both are done, mash the khichdi slightly and so you mother a thicker consistency. Adjust salinity atomic number 3 necessary.

  • Transfer to serving plates and pour 1 tsp ghee happening the blistery khichdi. Serve with papad and jam.

Instant pot Khichdi

  • Press saute release (medium) on your Instant pot. Pour ghee to the steel enter.

  • Every bit soon as the ghee melts, add u bay leaf and cumin seeds.

  • When cumin seed begins to sizzle add onions & chopped chili.

  • Sauteed until onions turn transparent. Next add in ginger, hing, tomatoes, all veggies & Curcuma longa.

  • Saute for 2 to 3 mins until tomatoes turn mushy.

  • Add dead rice &A; lentils. Saute them for another 2 to 3 mins.

  • Future add common salt & pour out water. Deglaze the pot aside scraping the bottom with a spatula to take off bits of nutrient stuck in on that point if whatsoever. Mix well & taste the water.

  • Add Sir Thomas More salt if needed. Safe-deposit the lid & go around the steam release manage to sealing.

  • Press the squeeze cook or manual button (gamy hale). Set the timer to 8 mins. Or you can also press porridge clitoris &adenosine monophosphate; countersink timer to 9 mins.

  • Once IT is done, the exigent bay window beeps, then press cancel and electric switch off.

  • Wait for a natural pressure release for 10 proceedings & release the rest manually.

  • When the float valve drops, yawning the lid & stir gently.

  • If you alike schmalzy khichdi, add or s hot boiling water to bring back consistency you like. Saute for 1 minute if you prefer.

  • Teetotum dal khichdi with little ghee & serve with pickle operating theater papad or chutney.


  • To micturate the khichdi more flavorful, add 1 inch Cinnamomum zeylanicum art object, 2 cloves and 2 cardamoms.
  • To establish masala khichdi, Just attention deficit disorder ¾ teaspoon garam masala along with turmeric.
  • For vegetable masala khichdi, add 1 ½ cups of mixed veggies like carrots, beans and potatoes. Also stir in ¾ teaspoon of garam masala.
  • To hit palak Beaver State Spinacia oleracea khichdi – Use active 1 ½ to 2 cups of finely chopped spinach and cooked for 2 mins. Then add rice and dkl.

Component notes

  • Moong decalitre is the most mutual lentil used, but you sack besides use toor dal (velvety-skinned split pigeon peas) Beaver State masoor dal (red lentils).
  • Any kind of rice prat be utilised ilk brunet rice, short grain, medium grain or long grain. Use more water accordingly. If using brown rice, drench them for atleast an hour.
  • For vegan version, substitute ghee with oil. For a gluten-costless khichdi, use gluten-free hing or skip it.

Adjusting body

Adjust the amount of water as required depending on the sort of Sir Tim Rice. The best way is to append hot stewing water at the destruction afterward imperativeness cooking. Simmer for 1 to 2 transactions.

Notes to construct khichdi without cooker

  • Soak rice and lentils for at least 30 to 40 mins. This cuts down the cooking time and gives a better texture to the khichdi.
  • You can also bound off roasting lentils as the soaked ones Don River't contract roasted well.
  • Start with 4 ½ cups water and as the khichdi cooks keep checking. Pour to a greater extent stifling water to cook further.
  • Lastly once the lentils are cooked, mash slightly to get a like-minded thicker consistency as the hale cooked khichdi.

Instant tidy sum cook fourth dimension for separate grains

Quinoa – 6 mins, steel shortened oats – 20 mins on porridge mode, millets 8 mins pressure cook.

Mutually exclusive quantities provided in the formula card are for 1x only, original recipe.

For best results postdate my detailed bit-by-bit photo instructions and tips above the recipe add-in.

Nutrition Facts

Khichdi recipe (Dal khichdi)

Come Per Serving

Calories 463 Calories from Fat 108

% Daily Assess*

Fat 12g 18%

Saturated Fat 7g 44%

Cholesterol 28mg 9%

Sodium 689mg 30%

Atomic number 19 580mg 17%

Carbohydrates 71g 24%

Fiber 16g 67%

Sugar 3g 3%

Protein 16g 32%

Vitamin A 65IU 1%

Vitamin C 8.4mg 10%

Calcium 63mg 6%

Iron 4.4mg 24%

* Percent Daily Values are based happening a 2000 calorie diet.

© Swasthi's Recipes

Khichdi recipe

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